Sunday, May 23, 2010

creative teams, surround yourself with progress

When you complete a list of action steps, your instinct might be to throw the list away. After all, the work is completed! However, some creative professional teams take a different approach; they relish their progress. Some go so far as surrounding themselves with it.The inspiration to brainstorm comes easy, but the inspiration to take action is rare. Especially for creative professionals, the constant flow of ideas is often the greatest inhibitor to making ideas happen.

Especially amidst heavy, burdensome projects with hundreds of action steps and milestones, it is emotionally invigorating to surround yourself with progress. Why throw away the relics of your achievements when you can create an inspiring monument to getting stuff done? A "Done! Wall" reminds you that you have moved forward in your journey.

Why not decorate your work space with completed action steps? While we tend to surround ourselves with art and imagery that serves to inspire us in our work, is it more inspiration that we need? Most creative professionals report that they are not short of ideas, but rather the discipline and organization to make them happen. For this reason, consider surrounding yourself with testaments to taking action.

There is no better push-towards-taking-action than action itself.

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